We know that you need an advisor you can trust from day one – we will be there to support you and your business.

Start up Support
We know how hard it is to get a business off the ground. You will have so much to do to make your business work. What you need most at this time is a trusted advisor who can guide you through these early steps, including deciding on the best tax structure, helping with the business plans and then getting everything set up right.
We can be that trusted advisor, and have experience with helping a number of our clients make those first, critical steps.

At SA Ledgers we put an accurate and efficient bookkeeping service at the heart of our service.
What this means in practice is we will help you develop a comprehensive set of systems to ensure you can stay on top of your numbers. We have extensive experience in a range of cloud based systems, including QuickBooks Online, Xero and FreeAgent.
On top of this, we have experience in the applications that go alongside these applications. These will help ensure the bookkeeping process is as efficient as possible.
We will make sure the process is built around your needs, choosing the best systems for the job.

Accounting Compliance
However your business has been set up, you will need to prepare annual accounts. We know that this can be a time consuming activity, especially for companies, charities and partnerships.
As your accounts will be used to prepare your tax return, it is essential that they are accurate. Driven from the bookkeeping function, we aim to give you accounts as quickly as possible so you know where you are.
These accounts may also be used for negotiation with suppliers – this can have an impact on the credit you can get so its important they are both accurate and timely. We can help with both.

Tax Compliance
In running your business, you will likely come across a variety of taxes. This will include corporation tax, income tax, VAT, payroll taxes, and CIS. These taxes all interact with each other, and its important you get the best advice to avoid paying too much.
Again, to stress a point, good record keeping is essential for HMRC, and which goes back to bookkeeping. And as HMRC roll out its “Making Tax Digital” strategy, we will be there to ensure you continue to meet their exacting requirements.

Payroll & CIS
Running payroll can be a complex and time-consuming activity for a business. At SA Ledgers, we are here to reduce that burden. Using HMRC accredited BrightPay software, we ensure the payroll is accurate, and with the optional BrightPay Connect add-on, we can provide a professional portal for you and your employees.
As part of our constuction industry specialism, we also manage your CIS obligations.
Finally, with the pension regulations changing in the past few years, we can ensure you stay on top of your Autoenrolment obligations.

Management Accounting
Once the compliance is sorted out, you then need the numbers to assist you in running your business. These numbers provide a range of indicators, including showing how profitable your strategy has been, looking at your cashflow, reviewing costs to see where money can be saved, and ensuring you know what assets and liabilities you have.
All of this comes with our expert advice, helping with key decisions, whether that is around the right time to hire staff, taking on new debt, or maybe stopping doing something that is not profitable. We are there as your trust advisor to tell you how it is – not how you wish it would be.